Bee Taheer
3 min readMay 9, 2024

I found a prayer I had written a couple of months back. Reading it again today, I am convinced that there’s a reason Allah gave me those words in those particular order at the time. I can’t help attributing Rizq to it. That though it was written for someone else, I get to also benefit from it. I hope you do too.

“There’s going to come a time in our life where growth becomes inevitable

A time when we must move however comfortable we are

A time when the next page must be flipped through

And sometimes, just sometimes,

When that time comes, we’re often not as prepared

But of all the lessons of life, the ones that stick through and stand the test of time are those that leave us at our most vulnerable.

They are those ones that often come unaware

However unprepared we may be for what the future holds, we must trust with conviction our journeys — Our God selected paths

It is my prayer that as your navigate this unfamiliar path, you find His wisdom and guidance encompassing

This is a period where your faith, your patience and your gratitude will be put the test

Put your trust in Allah and allow Him be The One who is your first before anything an anyone else

May you find in your quiet moments catharsis after catharsis

Awakening that shows you within; with clarity and sincerity above all else

The power to look within, to look without and thrive despite it all

I pray that you find comfort in those you gave comfort

Support in those you gave support

Opportunities that don’t come at the cost of your soul or your sanity

Sustenance that fills every aspect of your life beyond anything you’ve ever imagined

I seek refuge in Allah for you from the whispers of The One who refused to bow

The one whose mission is to misdirect

I seek refuge in Allah from the calamities of the known and unknown

The grace to live with the consciousness of Him and the complete submission to Him

I pray that Allah fortifies your mind,

That nothing breaks you,

That you discern who gets to be in your ear.

That He grants you wisdom to know the wise from the noise

The heart to filter it,

I pray that your honour is elevated

That you are rewarded for all that you have left for His sake

That you are compensated with better

That life becomes more meaningful than it has ever been

I pray that Allah reveals to you and helps you make the best of the gifts He has placed within you

To utilise them in a way that honours Him

I pray that you never lack

That even on days you’re financially down, you remain spiritually full

I pray that the mercy of Allah suffices you day and night

Through every endeavour and through every room you walk into

May you be a person who is known and remembered for only that which is good

May the bad of the past, stay in the past

May it serve as a lesson well learnt never to be repeated

I pray that Allah blesses your heart light — to find little joys in your ups and downs

In your struggles, in your teachable moments

I pray that you find challenges as they are; to be overcome and not be drowned by

I pray that you embody all the virtues that Allah has created you to embody

That you do not find yourself in environments, and situations that require you to compromise them

I pray that any and everything you set to do is blessed by Allah

I pray that He is pleased with you

That He enjoins you with people who live by Him

Whose lives and actions glorify him

I pray that evil in any form, and however close is eliminated from your life

I pray finally that you embrace and love every moment of this journey;

That you love thoroughly the process and you never despair even on not so bright days.

Your lord is as you think of Him. So think and expect from Him only Good things.

Delays are not denial, and redirections are God’s way of endorsing new paths for us

I pray that you find peace and be at peace with yourself

And that it reflects in your relationship with yourself and the people in your life

I remain proud of you

You have my support and my prayers

